Queen va publica pe YouTube „The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert” online pentru o perioadă limitată de 48 de ore, pentru a sprijini activitatea World Health Organization de combatere a COVID-19



Queen va publica pe YouTube concertul din 1992 susținut de trupă în memoria lui Freddie Mercury, show legendar la care au participat cele mai mari nume din industria muzicală, inclusiv David Bowie, Robert Plant, Axl Rose și James Hetfield, printre alții.

Concertul va rămîne disponibil online pentru o perioadă limitată de 48 de ore.

The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness, ce a avut loc pe 20 aprilie 1992 pe Stadionul Wembley, va putea fi urmărit integral online.

Queen îl va publica pe canalul de YouTube al formației vinerea aceasta, putînd fi urmărit începînd cu ora 21:00.

La acest concert, desfășurat în memoria lui Freddie Mercury, au participat peste 72.000 de persoane, membrii rămași în viață ai trupei Queen – Brian May, Roger Taylor și John Deacon – aducînd pe scenă cei mai înzestrați vocaliști ai vremii.

Alături de muzicieni ca Axl Rose, Robert Plant, David Bowie, Elton John, Zucchero, George Michael, James Hetfield și Seal, trupa a pus într-o cu totul altă lumină toate hiturile Queen, oferind publicului un repertoriu regesc.

În cadrul acestui show au fost încorporate și alte recitaluri, în afara sferei muzicale Queen, oferite de Metallica, U2, Def Leppard, Guns N’ Roses și Spinal Tap.

Încasările obținute din vînzările de bilete ale acelui concert au susținut lansarea Fondului Mercury Phoenix, prin intermediul căruia au fost donate peste 20 de milioane de dolari către nenumărate proiecte, din 57 de țări, în scopul combaterii SIDA.

Live stream-ul de pe YouTube are și el un scop umanitar, Queen invitînd publicul să doneze în memoria lui Freddie Mercury pentru a sprijini activitatea World Health Organization de combatere a COVID-19.

Concertul va putea fi vizionat vreme de 48 de ore, iar pentru fiecare dolar donat în perioada streaming-ului găzduit de YouTube, Google va face o donație de 2 dolari, ca parte a unei colectări de fonduri a Google / YouTube, ce se află în curs de desfășurare. Tot în scopul combaterii COVID-19, Queen a înregistrat împreună cu Adam Lambert o nouă versiune a piesei „We Are The Champions”.



Def Leppard

Def Leppard

Plus Special Guests – Cheap Trick


With Special Guests – Cheap Trick – http://www.cheaptrick.com/

3Arena Dublin – Saturday 1st December 2018

Tickets from 65.50 Additional charges may apply


On 19th January 2018 around the world, legendary British rock icons Def Leppard debut their full recording catalogue worldwide via https://DefLeppard.lnk.to/Digital. One of the last multi-platinum selling acts to be made available on streaming and download platforms, music fans from all corners of the globe can now enjoy tracks and albums from Def Leppard who have sold more than 100 million albums worldwide to become one of rock’s most enduring and influential bands.

Said Joe Elliott, “It is with a mixture of relief & euphoria that we now see our entire catalogue finally getting a digital release. Having embraced every other format with open arms, especially & more recently the re-emergence of vinyl, we’re now going to be available to everyone everywhere and honestly, it’s as exciting as the original releases were.”

Phil Collen adds, “We felt we’d been left out of the digital party, but it’s a thrill for us to finally accept the invitation and to be able to say „Yeah, you can stream us, download us and hear us on all digital outlets”.

As a cornerstone of rock and roll’s history, Def Leppard’s substantial career includes numerous hit singles including their first early chart hit “Wasted” – to their radio and MTV staples “Bringin’ On The Heartbreak”, “Photograph”, “Rock of Ages”, “Too Late”, “Animal”, “Armageddon It”, “Love Bites”, “Rocket” and “Let’s Get Rocked.” Their ground-breaking multi-platinum albums—including two of the best-selling albums of all time with sales of more than 10 million copies each in the U.S. alone Pyromania and Hysteria, captured some of the group’s legendary tracks, bringing together classic Leppard hits such as “Pour Some Sugar on Me”, “Hysteria” and “Foolin’.”  The group continued their success expanding into the world of film, covers, and new collaborations including “Two Steps Behind” from the film Last Action Hero, “No Matter What”, “Waterloo Sunset”, and “Nine Lives” with Tim McGraw as well as Def Leppard hits “When Love and Hate Collide”, “Slang”, “Work It Out”, “Promises” and “Now.” Finally, all of Def Leppard’s awe-inspiring music is available to everyone, around the world from the band’s eponymous debut EP through to their most recent album.

Late 2018 will see the band deliver what many Uk and Eire fans have been waiting for – the “Hysteria” album performed in full plus other Def Leppard hits across eleven arena dates in December 2018

Rick “Sav” Savage says, “After many requests from fans in the U.K, I’m delighted that we can bring the whole “Hysteria” album to arenas across Britain and Ireland later this year. From ‘Women’ to ‘Love and Affection’ plus many other faves thrown in for good measure. Oh, and our old pals Cheap Trick will be there also to help with the celebrations!! We can’t wait’.

These will be the first Def Leppard UK and Eire tour dates since the sold-out Arena run in late 2015.

The seminal 1987 “Hysteria” album is rightly seen as a landmark recording in the history of rock music. It was the album that saw Def Leppard conquer the world with global hits such as “Animal”, “Pour Some Sugar On Me”, “Hysteria”, “Armageddon It”, “Love Bites”, “Woman” and “Rocket”. The band will deliver “Hysteria” in full alongside other songs from their incredible catalogue. The UK & Eire tour dates are as follows…

Tickets on sale through www.ticketmaster.ie

The UK & Eire tour will follow a massive USA co-headlining tour with Journey. Comprised of stadiums and arena venues around the U.S., the 60-city run is set to kick off in Hartford, CT on May 21st and will wrap in Los Angeles, CA on October 6th.

The Def Leppard EP (1979)
On Through The Night (1980)
High ‘N’ Dry (1981)
Pyromania (1983)
Hysteria (1987)
Adrenalize (1992)
Retro Active (1993)
Vault (1995)
Slang (1996)
Euphoria (1999)
X (2002)
Yeah! (2006)
Songs From The Sparkle Lounge (2008)
Mirror Ball – Live & More (2011)
Def Leppard (2015)

Def Leppard – Joe Elliott (vocals), Phil Collen (guitar), Rick „Sav” Savage (bass), Vivian Campbell (guitar) and Rick Allen (drums) – continue to be one of the most important forces in rock music. Over the course of their career the band has produced a series of classic ground-breaking albums that set the bar for generations of music fans and artists alike. The group’s spectacular live shows and arsenal of hits have become synonymous with their name, leading Def Leppard to be heralded as an institution in both the music and touring industry. The band’s most recent self-titled studio album debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Rock Albums and Top Independent Albums charts. The album also took the #5 spot on Billboard’s Top Current Albums and #10 spot on the Top 200, as well as claiming 15 top 10 debuts around the world.


Stevie Nicks, solista de la Fleetwood Mac, concurează pentru includerea în Panteonul rockului pentru cariera solo

Stevie Nicks intrase deja din 1998 în Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ca solistă a grupului Fleetwood Mac, însă anul acesta artista va concura pentru a fi inclusă în templul rock-ului şi pentru cariera sa solo, informează AFP.

Cântăreaţa americană concurează cu alţi artişti nominalizaţi pentru prima dată, cum ar fi rockerii britanici de la Roxy Music, trupa de heavy metal Def Leppard, compozitorul american de muzică country John Prine sau muzicianul Todd Rundgren.

Stevie Nicks a început o carieră solo în 1981, rămânând însă în componenţa trupei Fleetwood Mac, al cărui album „Rumors” (1977) este al cincilea cel mai bine vândut din toate timpurile. Stevie s-a alăturat formaţiei în 1974, la şapte ani după înfiinţarea formaţiei la Londra, şi-a lansat opt albume solo înregistrate în studio.

Pentru a lua în considerare intrarea în prestigioasa Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, un artist sau o formaţie trebuie să fi lansat un album cu cel puţin 25 de ani în urmă.

În acest an, lista nominalizaţilor îi include pe cei de la Devo, nominalizaţi pentru prima dată; trupa Radiohead, aflată la a doua încercare, dar şi formaţiile Rage Against the Machine şi Kraftwerk.

Câştigătorii vor fi anunţaţi în luna decembrie.

Def Leppard @ The O2 arena | 6 Dec 2018

This event is now sold out

Following the news that British rock icons Def Leppard are to debut their full recording catalogue worldwide, on streaming and download platforms, the band have also announced a UK and Ireland tour, stopping at The O2 on Thursday 6 December 2018.

Rick “Sav” Savage says, “After many requests from fans in the U.K, I’m delighted that we can bring the whole “Hysteria” album to arenas across Britain and Ireland later this year. From ‘Women’ to ‘Love and Affection’ plus many other faves thrown in for good measure. Oh, and our old pals Cheap Trick will be there also to help with the celebrations!! We can’t wait”.

These will be the first Def Leppard UK and Ireland tour dates since the sold-out arena run in late 2015. The band will play their first ever show at The O2. 2018 also marks the 35th anniversary of “Hysteria’s” predecessor “Pyromania”.

The seminal 1987 “Hysteria” album is rightly seen as a landmark recording in the history of rock music. It was the album that saw Def Leppard conquer the world with global hits such as “Animal”, “Pour Some Sugar On Me”, “Hysteria”, “Armageddon It”, “Love Bites”, “Woman” and “Rocket”. The band will deliver “Hysteria” in full alongside other songs from their incredible catalogue.

Tickets go on general sale Friday 26 January at 9am.