Din perspectiva ei , lucrand cu ambii actori ,pe marile ecrane, marti seara, Natalie Portman, a dezvaluit cine saruta mai bine dintre cei doi actori, sot si sotie, si anume, Ashton Kutcher si Mila Kunis.

„Mila”, a raspuns ea! Urmariti ce se intampla cand Natalie raspunde fara ezitare! „Adica , evident, Mila!”

Natalie și-a cerut scuze imediat, explicând că vorbea despre mesaje  de la mass-media despre cum ar fi trebuit să se comporte fetele și femeile, fara  să deranjeze pe celalalt actor.

Of course: 'Mila!' she revealed on Watch What Happens Live without a moment's hesitation. 'I mean, obviously!'
Three's company: Host Andy Cohen pointed out she had worked with Ashton in 2011's No Strings Attached and his wife the year before in Black Swan
Has thought about it: But Natalie knew exactly where his question was going, finishing for him with a smile: 'I kissed them both'
Has thought about it: But Natalie knew exactly where his question was going, finishing for him with a smile: 'I kissed them both'
Squashed beef: During the show, the 37-year-old addressed her recent beef with Jessica Simpson, announcing: 'I have only respect and good feelings for her.'
Clubhouse: Natalie was joined by fellow guest Leslie Mann
College days: During the show, the Oscar-winner discussed some of her fellow famous Harvard alumni, including Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, who now 'has a lot more power' than he did in college
College days: As for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, he was a freshman when she was a senior,  'so I got to go through college without social media,' she smiled, 'I was very lucky.'
Ahmed's the best: The Star Wars star was also asked to rank the prequel trilogy — which she did in reverse order: III, II, I — but defended the much-maligned Jar Jar Binks, often blamed for the The Phantom Menace's shortcomings

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