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4 iulie 2019


The year was 1996 and Prodigy were playing their frst concert ever in Romania. 8 year old Mauss, inattendance, wastakingitallin and emerged with a deep need to explore electronic music. Later on, he would become a DJ, making
his artistic debut on the Romanian clubbing scene in 2008. He played among side artists like Rhadoo, Herodot, Cezar, Cristi Cons, Praslea, Brothers’ Vibe, Maayan Nidam, Piticu, Kozo, Petre Inspirescu and many more at various festivals and parties. His sound is a combination of house and techno, with some minimalism in between.


Alexandru Bugnariu aka BILA, started out mixing as a hobby and went from music listening to music collector and dj-ing. In 2007 he started studying music production and begun crafting his dj skills. A discreet presence in the electronic music scene with a well-balanced technical approach in mixing, his music is a refreshing combination of classic and new electronic sounds. Most of the time he is in the studio focusing on music production and undertaking collaborations with different artists.
You might have heard him at After SKEMA 1400, Gazette (Cluj) or Control (Bucharest).

Alexandru Bugnariu aka BILA, a început să mixeze ca hobby, trecând de la ascultător de muzică la colecționar de muzică și mai apoi la dj. În 2007 începe să studieze producție muzicală și să-și dezvolte abilitățile de dj. O prezență discretă pe scena muzicii electronice si cu o abordare tehnică bine echilibrată, muzica lui este o combinație revigorantă de sunete electronice clasice și noi. De cele mai multe ori se află în studio, concentrându-se pe producție muzicală și colaborând cu diverși artiști.
L-ați auzit la SKEMA 1400, Gazette (Cluj) sau Control (București).

Free Entrance


4 iulie 2019


M Jack
0722 557 897
View Organizer Website


M Jack
Lipscani 82
București, România
+ Google Map
0722 557 897
View Venue Website

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